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Home Automation - Power Devices
The individual modules (typically decora style) around the house that are told to
control the power.
SwitchLinc Dimmer - INSTEON Remote Control Dimmer (Dual-Band), White
https://www.smarthome.com/insteon-switchlinc-dimmer-white-5-pack.html?trk_msg=VVLCRNG7VT4KR7LIAIBH5J91B4&trk_contact=HT9OSVD5AE1AJSV300HTQJ82NK&trk_sid=LK08NOKINHNVBIVH2K5DLVP0A8&SK=HML18RA42D&utm_source=listrak&utm_medium=email&utm_term=Shop+Now+-+Insteon+Remote+Control+Dimmer+Switch+-+White&utm_campaign=180221R-D $187.46 for 5, ie $37.49 each + tax
$49.99, but look for 20% off sales. Some sales do eg 4 dimmers + 3 on/off switches for $199.
600 Watts but this is enough for lots of dimmable LED bulbs.
Insteon Dimmer Switch, 7-Pack $174.97 for 7 on Black Friday ($25 each)
SwitchLinc On/Off - INSTEON Remote Control Switch (Dual-Band), White
17 Amp resistive capacity (100-277 VAC), so it can be used to turn on and off a small water heater.
https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B008HUWWOC/ref=ox_sc_act_title_1?smid=ATVPDKIKX0DER&psc=1 Has been as low as $28.80
Insteon On/Off Switch, 7-Pack $174.97 for 7 on Black Friday ($25 each)
INSTEON 2663-222 On/Off Outlet, White
These do not have a decora manual switch and as such are not as useful.
http://www.smarthome.com/insteon-2663-222-on-off-outlet-white.html/ $59.99
15A capability on two separately controlled outputs.