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Bathroom Fixtures
Find the right type of sink, bath, faucets, and toilet for your
Bathroom sinks
My preference... Countertop, Self-rimming drop-in, rectangular, 3 holes - 2x2" apart, overflow, white, large size, integral backsplash, less countertop area needed.
Details are here .
The sink shown above is just fixed onto the countertop using clear silicone adhesive. Some other sinks need some creativity to fix them, eg a metal plate...
Bath tub
In my opinion, baths should always be 6 foot long (rather than the regular 5 foot). You need to allow for 6 foot baths in your house room plan drawings.
6 foot bath
Details are here .
5 foot Bath Tub
Purchasing info is here
4 foot Bath Tub
There are some cases where there is not enough room and you can get small baths, even less than 4 feet long.
Purchasing info is here
Bath drain
Purchasing details are
here .
Bath spout
For a bath, you need a spout. This is fed from the flow volume on/off valve (with its chrome knob).
Details are here .
Motion Sensor Bathroom Sink Faucet
For applications such as hand washing sinks, it is useful to have an automatic on/off mechanism in addition to having the flow rate control. This can be done using a motion sensor faucet. Typically they use an infrared sensor. When using an automatic sensor tap you need to feed it with temperature controlled water. You leave the flow rate setting and temperature setting in their required positions and just put your hands under the tap.
Details are
Taps Bathroom Sink
If you don't want an automatic sensor for turning on the water then you can use regular taps. I prefer the type with levers rather than round knobs.
Purchasing info is
here .
Bathroom sink drain pipe
Purchasing detail is
here .
This provides for a 1-1/4" slip joint which connects to a transparent trap (as described above).
LED Temperature Indicator on faucet
It is fun to fit LED temperature sensing water powered aeroators to all sinks so you know if the water temperature is too hot. It is also a nice talking point feature.
Purchasing details are here .
Floor mount toilets are the easiest for places other than the basement.
In the basement it is best to use a wall mounted toilet as that avoids extra holes in the concrete basement floor.
For basement use, I like the Toto CT708 wall hung toilet. It uses water pressure and a flushometer valve rater than a tank.
Purchasing details are
here .
For non-basement use it is best to use a floor mounted toilet with a water tank. I prefer a one piece toilet because cleaning is easier and I like a nice big lever flush handle
If you don't want a tank but still want floor mount then use...
Purchasing details are
here .
Wall mounted toilet details
Flushometer flushing mechanism
This is used by both the wall mount and floor mount Toto toilets. Even though this type of flushing mechanism is a little more expensive it does avoid an ugly unreliable china tank as part of the toilet.
Details are here
A critical thing when using a flushometer is to have enough water flow rate available. This translates into needing big diameter pipes. You can just about get away with using 3/4" PEX but really it is better to use one-and-a-quarter inch PVC pipe that is dedicated to each toilet.
Bidet toilet seat
It is good to future proof your house for your old age. When you are about 100 years old you may have trouble reaching behind with toilet paper. The best solution is to fit a bidet toilet seat that provides washing and dryer cababilities.
Even if not fitting initially, it is good to provide a Tee on the water feed to the toilet with a shutoff valve.
TOTO Washlet C200 Elongated Bidet Toilet Seat with PreMist, Cotton White - SW2044#01
https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00UCIOX2Q/ref=ox_sc_act_title_1?smid=A1RSC8JG3SJ5CU&psc=1 $405 + $0 + $0.
Coocheer Technology Co., Ltd. Model: US01+AMB005210_US
Pressure assisted flush
In 1992, Congress passed legislation requiring that all toilets sold in the United States meet a new water conservation standard of 1.6 gallons per flush. You cannot buy tanks greater than 1.6 gal in the USA. Depending on the toilet bowl design, this may not be really quite enough for a flush that relies on just gravity. To solve the problem it is now possible to buy Pressure Assisted flush mechanisms. These use a local tank above the toilet, but the tank is pressurized by the water feed water pressure. This fires the water out of the tank when the lever is pressed.
Removeable bathroom
It is good to have a build site bathroom so that workers and other visitors have somewhere to go. That will likely be in the basement because that is built first. Once the house has been completed you may want to remove the temporary bathroom if it's nolonger needed. Using Fernco DWV connections it is possible to make it removable.
In the basement, if the sewer pipe is through the wall rather than through the slab, then the fixtures will need to be on raised platforms to get the necessary heights. Using a wall mount toilet will mean the toilet does not have to be too high, but you will need to put it in a supporting box to make it free standing.
Provide a PEX manifold arrangement to allow the water pipes to be shutoff and disconnected. Adding appropriate sized O ring to the PEX connectors helps them to more reliably handle the water pressure.
Sewage Lifter