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Water Piping and Membrane
Fit drip edge
The pictures mainly show a vinyl roof edging strip but you should actually use a metal edging strip that is compatible with the brand of metal roofing that will be used. Here is the one for the Nu-Metal brand. In normal practice, the bend angle needs to match the roof pitch. In my case a 45 degree (12:12) pitch with my 2x4 planking to vertical roof edge boards means I need about a 60 degree bend to fit the 2x4s and then carry over the vertical boards.
Fit PEX piping
With the new design that puts the EPS on top of the roof planking, the PEX piping is not used. Here's what I did on the evaluation building before the design change.
Grace Ice & Water
Details on the Grace Ice & Water roof membrane are here .
The horizontal overlap needs to be at least 4". Overlaps from a left strip to a right strip should be 6".
Cut a length of Grace to be 2" longer than the roof width (including the overhang of the vinyl drip edges).
You need to start with the bottom of the roof first (so that the overlaps are correct for shedding water).
Put the length on the roof by taping it every 18" using duct tape.
Gradually pull back the paper backing by reaching your arm under the sheet. Make sure not to rip the paper or some of it may be left behind.
For the last piece it is still worth using duct tape, but this time tape the bottom edge and pull from above.
The last length of Grace curls back into the roof vent. Note that with the new roof design there is no roof vent.
The following shows the north roof done.
This shows all the Grace Ice and Water Shield done except for covering the roof vents...
Lastly the roof vents are temporarily covered to keep the rain out until the proper vent grill is implemented...
Here's the building with all the Grace Ice & Water Shield applied.
Trim the excess off round the edges using the outer edge of the vinyl drip edge as the cutting guide.