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Greenhouses - Raised Platform Design
Putting a growing enclosure up high can allow it to get more
The design for this is not yet done. It involves an elevated wooden platform up in the trees, supported tree-house style from the existing trees. The main objective is to get more sunlight without having to clear a big area of forest. Being up high you also potentially get a nice view.
Use Garnier limbs (or equivalent) to attach to tree trunks.
Best bet http://www.treehousesupplies.com/Treehouse_Bolts_s/41.htm
When more than one tree is being used you need to use floating attachments http://www.treehousesupplies.com/Treehouse_Brackets_s/28.htm
Use 1-1/4" lab bolts http://www.treehousesupplies.com/Lag_Bolt_1_25x12_p/lb1.25x12gal.htm
If you plan to clear trees in a particular area, then you can mount a walkway and/or cabin/greenhouse on top of the cut stumps. They will rot over time, say 25 years, but until then they will form a good foundation. On a slope this is a good way of making a foundation as you are not disturbing the slope and thus avoiding erosion. Use a self leveling laser to determine the height of the stumps. Fell the tree just above this height and the do a clean level chainsaw cut at the exact laser marked height.