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Blueprints - Needed Drawings
Here are listed the drawings that the building inspector will likely
Blueprints needed for building permit submission
Exactly what is needed varies from area to area.
In my area (King County, WA) the requirements as to drawings are...
All plans should be a minimum of 18” x 24”, but it is best to use 36"x24". At a 1/4" to 1 foot scale the minimum text size in CAD should be 6" high. For drawings at a 1/2" to 1 foot scale the minimum text height in CAD is 3".
▪ Foundation Plans - (Required scale: 1/4” =1’);
▪ Floor Plans of Each Floor - (Required scale: 1/4”
= 1’);
- Indicate square footage of conditioned space, garages,
carports, outbuildings and decks;
- Designate use of each room or space. The number of bedrooms
should equal those on the
septic design approved by the Seattle-King County Department of
Public Health.
▪ Building Cross Section(s) - Usually through the
most complex area(s) (Required scale
1/4” = 1’);
▪ Elevations - (Recommended scale 1/4” = 1’)
for All Sides of the building;
▪ Roof Framing Plans - May be indicated on the uppermost floor plan
(Required scale
1/4” - 1’);
▪ Floor Framing Plans - May be indicated on a floor
or foundation plan (Required scale
1/4” = 1’);
▪ Miscellaneous Structural Details - (Recommended
scale 3/4” = 1’); and
▪ Typical Wall Section - (Recommended scale 1/2” =
▪ Plot map
Drawing Sets Shall Be As Follows:
▪ Clear and with readable writing;
▪ Stapled together with plot plan as the first sheet;
▪ In order, with each page numbered consecutively;
▪ No pencil drawings; and
▪ Reproductions on substantial paper are required.
Additional Information Which May Be Required:
▪ Energy Code Compliance: Plans and specifications must comply with
the Washington State
Energy Code and the Ventilation Indoor Air Quality Code.
Energy forms are required for review and permit issuance.
▪ For additions, include the floor plans of existing adjacent rooms.
Show location of windows and their sizes and how they operate
(horizontal slider for example).
▪ Engineering calculation and details for retaining walls other than
per Table 1805.5 of the IBC as amended, as printed on the King
County Residential Corrections Sheet.
▪ Engineering calculations and details for beams, joists, trusses,
lateral loads (wind and/or seismic)
and special connections.
▪ Site inspection by the Engineer/Architect of Record may be
required for special designs.
▪ Snow loads will be computed using King County DDES Snow Load
Analysis based on the Snow Load Analysis for Washington, 2nd
Edition, published by the Structural Engineers Association of
▪ Flood Elevation Certificate delineating finished floor elevation
and FEMA 100-Year Floodplain