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Insulation Formed Concrete - Cost Comparison

Star Looking at the cost of Carnation IFC walling relative to ICF. 

It is worth comparing the cost of Carnation Walling with traditional ICF.  To do this it is best to find how much it costs to form a wall section that is 4' wide and 1' tall (the size of a typical ICF block).  I call this a "block unit".  I have found GreenBlock to be a good ICF block and the least expensive, so this is used in the comparison.  The comparison includes getting to an R36 wall and the cost of the bracing.  The itemizing for Carnation Walling was also useful for driving out cost.  A large house like mine needs about 3000 of these block units.

Traditional ICF (GreenBlock)

8" cavity ICF block (with delivery and tax)                                         $20.00
EPS (5") for the outside to get to R36 (with delivery)                         $4.00
Long screws from bracing to web (2 off) (reused 2.1 times)             $0.20
2x4 lumber (bracing, inc angle bracing) (reused 3 times)
Long screws 6in for attaching external EPS (1 off)                             $0.40
Large washers to attach external EPS (1 off)                                        $0.07
Foam adhesive
Total per block unit                                                                                $28.00


Carnation Walling

EPS (6") 4'x1' (with delivery)                                                                 $4.80
EPS (2") 4'x1' (with delivery)                                                                 $1.60
1/2" electrical conduit (4 x 8" lengths = 32")                                        $0.55
3/4" electrical conduit (10 x 3/8" lengths = 6")                                    $0.11
3/8" threaded steel rod (2 x 2' lengths = 8',  reused 3 times)             $0.88
3/8" steel zinc plated nuts (4 off, reused 3 times)                              $0.14
3/8" large steel zinc plated washers (8 off, reused 3 times)             $0.29
Corrosion Proof Large Washers with 3/8" hole (4 off)                                             $0.72
8'x4' plywood 15/32" thick (Reused 2.4 times)                                   $1.00  
8'x4' plywood 3/16" thick (Not reused)                                               $1.56
2x4 lumber (bracing, inc angle bracing) (reused 3 times)
Foam adhesive
Total per block unit                                                                               $11.65



