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Plumbing - Thermostatic Mixing Valve (Hidden)

Hot Water Mixing Valve Taco 

http://www.supplyhouse.com/Taco-5121-F2-Series-5121-F2-Lead-Free-Mixing-Valve-No-Fittings  $56.04 without fittings

http://www.supplyhouse.com/Taco-5121-L2-Series-5121-L2-Lead-Free-Mixing-Valve-w-Tee-Elbow   $62.94 with fittings

PDF:  https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&ved=0ahUKEwjj7eDVu8XSAhUDKGMKHaqRBRAQFggpMAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.taco-hvac.com%2Ftrack_file.html%3Ffile_to_download_id%3D20863&usg=AFQjCNFwizIpqgrTK-sRxxKeGO8zAjaz2A&sig2=w2Tzm5ouaKWjwNTFw0wqbA&bvm=bv.148747831,d.cGc&cad=rja

ASSE 1070 and NSF 61 certified.

Will need adapters to 1/2" PEX as it is 9/16 - 24 UNEF use for 3/8” flexible hose connection.

Hot Supply Temperature: 120-180 deg F.
Min. Temperature Differential Between Hot Supply and Mixed: 10 deg F
Outlet Temperature Range: 95-118 deg F
Accuracy of Outlet Temperature: +/-3 deg F

4.5" tall.  Can be mounted up-side-down (and it's typical to have knob on bottom).

Buy the version without fittings because even the adapters are 3/8" compression thread fittings.

Need to buy three of the following adapters to get to 1/2" MNPT...

38 Compression To Mnpt 

https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B000FHBI3Q/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1   $5

Then fit an adapter from 1/2" FNPT to 1/2" PEX...

12 Fnpt To 12 Pex 

https://www.supplyhouse.com/Bluefin-PXF050-DZR-1-2-PEX-x-1-2-NPT-DZR-Brass-Female-Adapter-Lead-Free   $1.61


Taco Temp Mixing Valve 

Taco Temp Mixing Valve 

Taco Temp Mixing Valve 

